Sunday, May 18, 2008

SIGG Vintage Bottle 0.4L 希格复古水壶0.4升

最近在准备维也纳欧洲杯之行的时候,在海牙的'the Globe'户外运动和旅游中心购买到的SIGG的复古水壶,做工非常好,整块铝皮毫无杂质,瓶口附有橡胶垫层,可获得一定的保温效果,由于是金属的缘故,传导热量迅速,所以放入冰或者热的饮品(非常温)会有更好的感觉,可在水壶外部取暖或得到冰凉的感受,适合夏季和冬季出游使用。
Recently while I am preparing my journey to Vienna for Euro Cup 2008, I bought a SIGG Vintage Bottle (0.4L) in 'the Globe', outdoor and travelling centre in Den Haag (the Hague). It is amazing and made of whole piece of aluminium, has rubber layer around the mouth of the bottle, so it's possible to get somehow thermo performance, and because of metal-made, it could transfer caloric rapidly. So if you put iced or hot drinks in, it will make you feel warm or cool and cold, so it is useful when travelling in summer and winter.

官方图 Offical Photo

实物图 A.S.A

官方网站 Official Website: products, city/tourist/gifts

参考价格 Reference Price:
23.95 EUR/263.45 RMB

Saturday, May 17, 2008

开篇 Virgin

开篇有些话要说,写这个部落格其实有一部分原因是因为本人的癖好--买东西和看东西(老婆掐了一下),油然而生的就是让大家也可以分享好东西,有用的东西,更或者有愿望去拥有极 酷的东西。

1. 简洁评测
2. 贴图6张(附实物图)
3. 官方网址链接(可能会因官方更改网页而失效,没关系,大家goo一下就找的到的)
4. 参考价格(欧元/人民币)
1. 简洁转载评测(会注明出处)
2. 贴图6张(仅附官方图文或转载图片)
3. 官方网址链接(可能会因官方更改网页而失效,没关系,大家goo一下就找的到的)
4. 参考价格(欧元/人民币)

For virgin post, I'd like to say sth., because a part of the reason why I create this blog is my hobby: buying and watching ( wife tweak me...), and based on this, I'd like to share them to you buddies, for the good stuff, useful stuff, or geek/ fantanstic stuff that you wish to have.

Stuff mainly consist of two divisions, 'the Got' and 'the Wish'.
For 'the Got', includes:
1. Brief Introducion and testing experience
2. Phote 6 pics (A.S.A. -Actual Stuff Attached)
3. Official website link (Could be inavailable because of the official website made some change, but actually no problem I think, just google for that and you'll find it)
4. Reference Price(EUR/RMB)
For 'the Wish', includes:
1. Brief Introducion and testing experience (with notes if reloaded from other website)
2. Phote 6 pics (ONLY official photo or reloaded available)

3. Same as 'the Got'
4. Same as 'the Got'